Frequently Asked Questions 2023
General Information
Q: When does the season take place?
A: The season takes place from August 7th through October 22nd.
Q: What is the tryout date?
A: Tryouts will be held on August 7th.
Q: How many players are expected on the team?
A: The ideal team size is 32 players, but the coaching staff may choose to take up to 36.
Q: What should players bring for tryouts?
A: Players must bring a tennis Racquet, tennis shoes, water jugs, and a completed MHSAA physical form which can be found here: MHSAA Physical Form
Team Selection and Practice
Q: Will all freshmen who try out make the team?
A: Yes, all freshmen who try out will make the team.
Q: When will players know if they made the team?
A: Players who try out will know if they made the team on August 7th.
Q: What is the practice schedule?
A: All players will practice every weekday from 3:30 PM to 6:30 PM for the first week. After the first week, teams will separate into JV and Varsity. JV will practice from 3:30 PM to 5:00 PM. Varsity will practice from 4:30 PM to 6:30 PM.
Q: How are player rankings determined?
A: Player rankings are determined by head-to-head matches, doubles matches, and coach evaluations. Rankings are posted daily at practice.
Q: How can a player improve their chances of making the varsity team?
A: During the season, players should aim to win their challenge matches in both singles and doubles. During the off-season, we recommend getting tennis instruction. For players wanting to play singles, USTA team and tournament play is recommended.
Matches and Tournaments
Q: What types of matches do we have?
A: Matches happen in three forms: dual matches, quad matches, and tournaments.
Q: When do matches take place?
A: Dual matches generally happen on weekdays from 3:30 to 6:30. Quad matches can be on Saturdays, starting in the morning and lasting until early afternoon. Tournaments are generally on Saturdays and last all day.
Equipment and Uniform
Q: What equipment do players need?
A: Players are expected to have a tennis racquet, good-quality tennis shoes (not running shoes or sneakers), water jug, and it is useful to have a tennis bag.
Q: Will uniforms be provided?
A: Yes, the school will distribute uniforms. The team usually chooses to wear spirit wear shirts. Each player must purchase at least one of these shirts at around $25.
Fees and Registration
Q: Is there a participation fee?
A: Yes, there is a district-mandated play-to-pay fee, which will be collected during registration in the first week of practice. The current fee is $210 per athlete.
Q: Who completes the registration process?
A: Registration must be completed by parents.
Q: Are there other costs?
A: Players are asked to participate in fundraising events that garner at least $100 per player to support the team through the booster organization.
Parent Involvement and Guidelines
Q: Are there any team activities for players and families?
A: Yes, we have several non-tennis team activities such as the summer family bonfire & potluck, players vs. parents match, homecoming tailgate, and postseason banquet.
Q: Are parents allowed to coach during matches?
A: No, coaching by parents is not allowed during matches. Parents are, however, encouraged to cheer and show support for players.
Q: Is attendance required at the parent meeting?
A: Yes, attendance at the parent meeting is mandatory for both players and parents.
Q: How can parents support their kids and the team?
A: Parents are encouraged to drop balls for their kids, volunteer with our booster organization, make donations to our Amazon wish list, donate snacks & drinks, and cheer loudly!
Q: Where can I find the full schedule?
A: The full schedule will be sent to all players and parents but can also be found on our website. The website has both the Varsity and JV schedules, so be sure you are viewing the correct schedule for your player.
* All information subject to change without notice